The Bird and the Ant

Political drama, action, comedy, thriller, romantic... none of these words describe this comic. 95% of the population won't find this funny... which side of the bell curve are you on?

Friday, July 29, 2005

The bird speaks!!

Deep... very deep...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Colorfully uncomfortable

Pink is the new black...

Too Far

At least your not pink...

What is your favourite color?

Blue... no, yelllloooowwwww...


I reserve the right to change the color of my characters...

Christmas In July

It wasn't easy drawing the hat in Paint...

Missing Pair of Arms

Its a mystery...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Now in techinicolor...

So you know...

Its downhill from here folks... sorry.

The Bird and the Ant - 1st post
